Monday, July 28, 2008

A Few Things I Learned in Israel....

1. Post Meduza season makes for very nice beaches in Bat Yam
2. When writing a cheer for Olympiad, there is no need to make things fancy. A simple "Kvutza Aleph! Kvutz Aleph!" (Group A! Group A!) will do.
3. Tupac is still alive, and serves as a questionable role model for 8 year old Israelis
4. It is possible to bargain the price of a bottle of water
5. Living with seven girls in one house makes me requestion the merits of marriage
6. Six Shekel Falafel is worth its weight and gold
7. Ethiopian Beer takes like a sweet champagne
8. "TAFSIK!" is the most commonly used word in the Hebrew vocabulary
9. When using this word, it is not recommended to address a girl with "Tafsik" lest you face the humiliation of calling a girl a boy by accident. Remember: it's Tafsiki
10. Top 10 lists do not justify the great time we are having

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