Monday, May 19, 2008

The Community Of Bat Yam, Israel

Well, we're here! Bat Yam is as beautiful as I had left it almost exactly a year ago today. Almost all of us are here now, just waiting for Yudit to arrive on Wednesday and then we will be a full house!

Our house is maybe a 5 minute walk from the beach, and already we have made friends with many locals around our age in the city. We are going to be volunteering daily at the Kadimah (Community Centre) in Bat Yam, working with mostly Ethiopian children. Our main goal is to be their friends and to be the best role models that we can for them. I am very excited to start volunteering, as we haven't exactly started yet. Everything is coming together now nicely, and it looks to be an amazing 6 weeks in Bat Yam.

The most significant aspect of our experience so far would have to be the warmness we have seen in all the Israeli's in Bat Yam. All of our neighbours are very concerned for our well-being, and continually tell us that if we need ANYTHING, it would be no problem.

Well, that was just a little update for you all, and we will continue to blog on here so you can all be a part of our experience in Bat Yam.

Benjamin Kreuter

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Sounds awesome, Ben! Keep writing and updating us.